Friday 13 April 2018

Posts by BB participants - Laura Bennett

Pets and chronic illness 

iiI want to take a moment to talk about pets and chronic illness. So many people with chronic illnesses of many kinds have pets. Pets can be a god send in terms of chronic illness for so many reasons such as:

- Feeling less alone, we all know that people with chronic illness can find things alot more challenging than the average person.This can mean people can go days weeks or even longer without leaving the house or only leaving to go to appts. This can be incredibly isolating, having a pet can give you that connection that sense of having something someone there. They may not be able to talk back to you , they may not be able to have a conversation but they are there and they help you to just be

- Having someone depending on you and someone you need to care for This is especially helpful when you have mental illness or difficulties surrounding ,mood. I know for me my pets have saved my life of on so many occasions, Knowing they depend on me they need me that i can't go anywhere as they wont be cared for is often the difference between walking the tightrope and falling off

- Connection to others- the internet is a wonderful thing and having pets and being in groups for other pet owners can often help you connect with other pet owners all over the world

- A reason to get up in the morning. - pets need care be it only a little or more needy pets that require a lot more sometimes the only thing you can do is care for them, and thats ok , having them there can be a reason you get out of bed even if its not often , i know for me i find that sometimes the only thing i do is feed millie and molly and go back to bed but i did something that day and i still got out of bed

- Calming and relaxing, we all know that cat purrs for example are known to be calming , but all pets can and usually are helpful to their owner to calm and relax in my case i often sit with millie and molly during a panic attack. Despite the fact that they hate being held being near them is enough often to calm me down and help me.